Finances & Legal...
Below are our articles on the subject of Finances & Legal. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Budgeting for Your Move
How drawing up a budget for the costs you’ll incur when moving home will help you plan your finances better. The kinds of things you’ll need to take into consideration....
Costs Involved After Moving Abroad
How many people forget to include the additional costs they’ll incur after they’ve moved home. The types of things to consider and how it can all add up....
Dealing With Changing Over Utilities
How moving home can sometimes be the perfect opportunity to look at switching utility suppliers. Even if you’re familiar with switching you may find there are…...
Informing People of Your New Address
The main companies and organisations you’ll need to inform if you are changing your address. How you can get post redirected and how you can speed up the process of…...
Moving Your Identity When Moving House
How criminals can use every opportunity to steal your identity and how you can become even more vulnerable when you are moving home. Steps you can take to minimise the…...
What to do About Council Tax
The key facts and details your council will need to be informed about if you are moving home. How you can be fined if you do not supply them with the correct accurate…...